Bentley Capital Limited
(ASX Code: BEL)
Bentley Capital Limited is a strategic investment company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. (ASX).
We are focused on investing our capital and our skills into emerging companies with strong capital growth potential. We generally take a substantial equity stake in selected companies and we target a small number of investments within the portfolio.
We favour investing in ASX listed companies but we also consider equity positions in private businesses and projects with a foreseeable commitment to ASX listing or other exit.
We are not an equities fund manager nor are we a venture capital or private equity firm. Our investment strategy is unique in that we look for companies that are generally not on the radar of traditional professional investors and which offer both deep value on entry but also significant near-term upside.
Accordingly we are focused on growth sectors such as resources, energy, technology and services. We have a global mandate.
Our primary objective is to generate outstanding absolute returns for the benefit of our shareholders.